It can be pretty easy to overlook certain items of property maintenance in the rush of everyday life. We do tend to just get up, go to work, come home, eat, potter about or watch tv, on repeat. Looking around the property, inside and out is often relegated to when something has actually gone wrong and we need to get it fixed. It’s only then we realise the problem could have hbeen picked up and fixed much sooner, and more cheaply if we had looked up and around more frequently. I had just this arise earlier last year, during a very wet few weeks I became aware of water cascading down the front of my ensuite. As suspected, the gutter above it was blocked by bird activity and so the fierce rainwatwer couldn’t reach the downpipe leading to the drain away. Donning sou’wester and galloshes, I looked up and saw to my horror a mini tree beginning to show itself above the parapet as it were. I had to call in the gutter guys as the problem was above a very sloping tiled porch and it needed specialist to reach up and clear the quite substantial clump of forestry. I should have had the gutters checked the previous year when I had the chance.