I was entertaining a chum who lives in the very nicest part of a home county – he knows his odd little 1930s bungalow would be worth a couple of hundred thousand in most areas but because of the location in that particular town, he is on to a real winner. Hoever, when he and his soon to be lady wife looked at the strangely unadorned little place way back in the early 1980s, they could just about afford the front door and a bit of the kitchen. This was before the revolution in house peroperty values and the madness that now surrounds any plot of land bigger than a dustbin store. This chap paid £70K for the unpreposessing pad when similar places elsewhere were about £60K. With only the minimum modernisation and expansion up into the roof space, in 32 years, it’s now worth £875K compared to only £350K elsewhere. Incredible !