Sorting Flood Cover From Rain & Wet Weather Cover

I have recently been on my travels, this time to the States.  Everything is done differently wherever you travel to.  The States epseically so.   Of course they have everything bigger – houses, roads, weather.  Especially weather!  I was given a tour around a city that suffered desperately badly with hurricanes two years ago.  Several fatalities, and thousands of folk lost their homes and everything they treasured.  It turns out that flood insurance is not an option on normal home insurance as it is here.  The government there has implemented a separate scheme that families are encouraged to pay in to.  Many don’t because they feel they’re not on a flood plain.  This is what happened the other year – most of the losses were not covered by standard their standard insurance and they’d ignored the government scheme.  Their insurance does cover all rain/water  damage from above coming down but not for flood damage coming up from below.  Bizarre but true.