Needing a decorating expert is probably the bane of many a housewife these days. Not so many chaps take on these very worthwhile jobs, or only do so when they’ve had a hobby of some sort and then they realise their skills at decorating could earn a fair sized chunk of someone else’s capital But there are people who are naturally very good decorators – speedy, accurate, very tidy and trustworthy. When such a person is engaged for a job, and they do it as well as they usually do, their reputation is enhanced every time and by word of mouth they get recommended and engaged for more and more work. Sometimes they find there is so much work on offer they can’t actually accept every job available, or have to accept but advise a longer time scale. Someone who comes that well recommended can generally call the tune and every customer wanting him or her has to accept his popularity is by virtue of him being able to do a fantastically good, economical and timely job!